I’m Darren Samuelsohn, and thank you for reading love, journalism. Today, I’m curious to get your feedback after two months of posting on this passion project.
First time here? Please sign up to read love, journalism, my free newsletter full of insights, interviews, ideas and inspiration. New episodes of The love, journalism Show air on Saturdays. Bonus posts too.

I can’t believe it’s only been two months since launching love, journalism. Time flies.
More than 24 posts covering a wide range of topics have gone live dating back to Valentine’s Day. I have had a blast. I’m also interested in trying to grow my audience and reach more of you.
At this inflection point, I’m curious what it’s been like from the reader’s perspective? Feedback to date has come in bursts. Social media has limited reach and in some cases can be outright antagonistic to spreading work published via Substack.
So it’s time for a quick check-in: Please if you have a few moments answer the three questions below. Also, feel free to hit ‘reply’ to this email in your inbox and share any general or specific thoughts the old-fashioned way by typing them out. They come directly to me, and I promise I do read every one. I’m also happy to engage in a sidebar conversation.
As you also read here last week, I just started a new full-time job on Monday as a senior editor for The Messenger. We’re a digital startup covering politics, business, entertainment and sports. We launch in May.
My plan is to indeed keep on publishing love, journalism, and air new episodes of The love, journalism Show. I have one already taped for this Saturday, and there are a number of additional interviews lined up for the coming weeks.
But how often I post is an open question, and I’d welcome any insights you’re willing to share about the tempo of my posts so far. Keep in mind this has always been a passion project, and my original aim had been to post a weekly original love, journalism item on Tuesdays, followed by The love, journalism Show podcast on Saturdays.
One more question, specific to The love, journalism Show. I love talking to people, and I love sharing what they have to say. But I’m curious what you all think about how everything has been packaged and presented.
So far, I’ve done really short episodes that run under 5 or so minutes; medium length ones that last around 30 minutes; and entire interviews that run 45 minutes or longer.
What else am I missing? What have you enjoyed? What can be discarded? What would you like to see more or less of? Please respond to this email with any additional thoughts. I would love to hear from you.