I was a daily reader until click bait, I-cut-my-mother's-heart-out-with-a-paring-knife type stories began to overflow the feed. And I get the strategy, anything to drive traffic except those kinds of stories devalued the product for serious news consumers. Jimmy Finkelstein had $50 million to shepherd until things took off; I don't know that he guarded that money with a precious view. In the end I feel bad for the people who lost their jobs in an instant. This had to be one of the worst roll outs of an online news service in history. Sorry for your loss.
I was a daily reader until click bait, I-cut-my-mother's-heart-out-with-a-paring-knife type stories began to overflow the feed. And I get the strategy, anything to drive traffic except those kinds of stories devalued the product for serious news consumers. Jimmy Finkelstein had $50 million to shepherd until things took off; I don't know that he guarded that money with a precious view. In the end I feel bad for the people who lost their jobs in an instant. This had to be one of the worst roll outs of an online news service in history. Sorry for your loss.